Bunny Bunches of Fun!

Easter is almost here and it’s just about time for Peter Cottontail to come hoppin’ down the Bunny Trail, so…

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Spring Cleaning Starts in the Shed!

It’s official—spring has sprung! That means it’s time for the annual rite of spring-cleaning. So make a plan to get…

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Unstick a Stuck Lid

Does it sometimes seem like every jar you try to open has a lid that’s all-but impossible to remove? Well,…

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Shovel That Snow! Plus, 5 Ways to Use Cooking Spray

It’s true—as handy as cooking spray is when you’re cooking and baking, it’s also a high-powered super product that you…

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“Paper or Plastic?”

That classic supermarket query is one of the most often-asked questions ever. And here’s how to answer it so that…

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Keepin’ Busy

With winter hanging around it can be hard to stay motivated. Sometimes the cold weather can do that to ya….

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Freshen Up Those Feathers

Have you ever brushed against a dirty, salt-spattered car while wearing your down winter jacket but are afraid to ruin…

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Ditch Gross Dish Germs!

You probably think of your dishwasher as a handy kitchen appliance that you can’t live without. But it’s so much…

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Keep Up the Cleaning!

Now that most of your holiday decorations have probably been neatly organized and packed away, take a few minutes this…

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Keep Your Cool and Stay Warm!

Instead of cranking up the old thermostat to stay warm this winter, try a few of these trouble-free tricks that…

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