This week, we’re going to show you a really effective insect repellent recipe from our Supermarket Super Gardens book. Have…
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You know me—I’ll never throw anything away if there’s a way to reinvent it, especially if it can come in…
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It’s official—spring has sprung! That means it’s also time for the annual rite of spring cleaning. So make a plan…
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Fall is here, the trees are changing, and before you know it, the leaves are going to start falling like…
comments offYou know that we here at Jerry Baker NEVER throw anything away if there’s a way to reuse it, especially…
comments offEveryone loves a good homemade cuppa joe! But did you know that used coffee grounds can come in handy even…
comments offHooray! It’s Memorial Day weekend! Warm summer weather is here in all its glory, so take full advantage of it…
comments offThe next time you look out your window and see your driveway covered with a thick, white blanket, consider this…
comments offThe calendar says spring officially started yesterday. I don’t know about your neck of the woods, but it still looks…
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It’s autumn, and the changing leaves are becoming more beautiful by the day. But that means in a week or so,…
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