Gentlemen (and Ladies), Start Your Seedlings!

Now’s the time to get your seedlings going. Here’s how with a quick ‘n’ easy way that’ll turn household trash into garden treasure: When you reach the end of a roll of foil, don’t throw the cardboard tube away. Instead, turn it into a bunch of seed-starting pots. Just cut the tube into pieces about 3 inches long, and wrap aluminum foil around the outside of each piece to keep the cardboard from falling apart when it gets wet. Pack the little pots closely together on a waterproof tray or shallow pan, add seed-starting mix, and sow seeds to your heart’s content. Then come transplant time, remove the foil, and plant your seedlings, pots and all. Now you’re seedlings will be rarin’ for spring!

While we’re at it, let’s talk about getting a jump start on spring skin care. If March came in like a lion in your neck of the woods, then you know those bone-chilling winds sure can take a toll. So here’s a simple facial formula that will slough off dead skin cells, refine pores, and even out your skin tone – all to get you ready for dare-to-go-bare skin.

  • In a small bowl, mix 2 teaspoons of apple juice, 2 teaspoons of red wine, and 1 tablespoon of ground oatmeal to make a paste.
  • Add more liquid if you need to.
  • Spread the mixture onto your face and throat, and let it dry for 20 to 30 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water. Now, are you ready for a nice, warm spring? (Cue the lamb!)