Happy May Day! Although it’s a worldwide tradition, May Day is celebrated in our neck of the woods by hanging a basket of spring flowers on a neighbor’s doorknob without getting caught. Back when I was growing up with Grandma Putt, she told me that if your neighbor catches you leaving the flowers, you get a kiss. I don’t know if that’s true, but why not keep the spirit of May Day alive, and celebrate spring by making a mini flower basket? It’s fast, fun, and easy to do: Simply cover one end of an empty toilet paper roll with a circle of paper. Paint the tube or cover it with bright wrapping paper. Punch holes in the sides and thread a 12-inch ribbon through the holes, tying a knot at each end. Fill the mini-basket with flowers, and hang it by the ribbon from your neighbor’s door. Then don’t take any chances—run!

1 Comment

  1. the note re: May Day flowers to neighbors is very cute, I have been trying to find ideas of thoughtfulness, and this is a great one. We live in a small community with great people, some elderly, I missed May Day, but Mothers Day is coming up. Hmmmmm!!

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