Save More at the Grocery Store!

The high cost of filling up the ol’ gas tank is hitting everyone hard—including your local supermarket. They’re paying big bucks to have their goods delivered, and they’re passing the extra expense on to you. So here’s how to save more at the grocery store:

  1. Don’t be dazzled by sales. If you don’t really like an item, and you’re only buying it because it’s marked down, steer clear.
  2. Check your fridge, freezer, and pantry before writing out your grocery list. You might be surprised at the meals you can whip up using food you already have on hand.
  3. Being a member of a certain store’s loyalty program doesn’t mean that’s where you’ll find the best deal. Check the sales flyers from all of the grocery stores in your area and shop around.
  4. Cheaper products aren’t placed at eye level or on end caps—those spots are where marketers place their most expensive items. Look up and down and check the prices of all brands before making a choice.
  5. Locally grown organic produce is usually cheaper than organic fruits and veggies shipped from other states. So check the signs and stickers on the displays.

Find more ways to slice and dice hefty expenses, spend less, save more, and even earn a few bucks in the process in my It Pays to be Cheap! book–FREE for 21 days!  It’s filled with the best nifty, thrifty secrets for livin’ the good life on the cheap.