Don’t Forget to Spring Forward!

Daylight Saving Time begins this weekend in most of the country, so don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night.
And if it’s time to change your clocks, then it’s also time to change the batteries in your home’s smoke detectors. If by chance you don’t have a smoke detector, then run to your nearest home supply store ASAP!
You should have at least one working smoke detector on every level of your home—don’t worry, they’re inexpensive. And, whether you want to think about it or not, having a reliable smoke detector could prevent everything you love from well, going up in smoke. So get in the habit each spring and fall when you reset your clocks, to change your smoke detector batteries, too. The peace of mind you’ll get…priceless!
Now get out there and enjoy that extra hour of daylight!

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