Soothe Seasonal Stress

Happy Holidays! Here’s hoping you had a terrific week, filled with family, friends, and laughter. And now you can finally take a break from the rush of last-minute gifts, out-of-town visitors,
cooking, baking, and the never-ending stack of dirty dishes. Here’s how to relieve stress and relax before the start of the New Year:
Soak away the tension. A long, hot bath will have you relaxed in no time. Add mood-boosting, calming essential oils to your bathwater, such as lavender, bergamot, chamomile, and rose, all of which are available at health food stores.
Work in a workout. Take a brisk 30-minute walk outside. The fresh air and time to yourself will do you good and is naturally stress-relieving and calming.
Eat good mood food. Tryptophan-rich foods, such as turkey, chicken, fish, dairy products, soybeans, nuts, and avocados can ease stress. So spread some guacamole on a chicken sandwich, or grab a handful of almonds, and snack away!

Get better sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep, try the soothing scent of lavender. Keep a vase of dried lavender on your bedside table, spritz your pillowcase with cooled lavender tea, or tuck a small pouch of dried lavender under your pillow.

For more super solutions for stressing less, check out our bestselling book, Amazing Antidotes. It’s the next best thing to having your own personal physician on call 24/7! And, you can even try it FREE for 21 days with our Free Preview.

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