Hi gang!
Whew! It’s really scorchin’ in my neck of the woods. I hope you’re relaxing poolside with a nice, tall cold drink and a dish of your favorite ice cream.
I’m tryin’ to stay cool, but I did take a few minutes one evening last week to give my lawn an invigorating drink. I mixed 1 can of regular cola (not diet), 1 cup of baby shampoo, and 1 cup of ammonia in a 20 gallon hose-end sprayer and saturated my turf to the point of run-off. That’ll keep it green no matter how hot and dry things get.
And if you’re looking for an unusual way to put your grass clippings to use, try this old-time deodorant mix. Loosely pack a large canning jar with untreated grass clippings, cover ‘em with vodka, and seal the jar. Set it in a cool, dark place for about 10 days, shaking it every couple of days. Strain out the clippings, and pour the liquid into a clean bottle with a tight lid. Then dab the liquid on with a cotton ball.
Once I was done with the yard work, I sat down to enjoy some homemade lemonade. My wife brought 2 cups of water to a boil, stirred in ½ cup of sugar, and let it cool. Then she added ½ cup of fresh-squeezed lemon juice and refrigerated it ‘til the mix was good ‘n’ cold. Ahhhh…that was refreshing!